Full CAD dematerialization and use of HOLOLENS 2 mixed reality device
Recent deployment
The first aim of this project was to avoid to printe technical drawings required by the workshop and also to give an nativ access of CATIA CAD files for all users by a TV-Screen. The second one was to use HOLOLENS mixed reality device in the use case by a SME with no internal IT resources. The main issue was to allow direct access of complex and heavy CAD files with no post treatment of the data. A link with our ERP and our CAD files datas, allows directly from the HOLOLENS helmet to visualize part information and its technical drawings.
Sectors | agrifoodmanufacturing |
Useful links | |
Scope and objectives | Great application of digital technology for an industrial use. Nice example to sensitize a non-expert audience to using digital technologies. |
Good practice criteria
About Block4coop
Driving and implementing BLOCK CHAIN technology in the development of Industry 4.0
The main objective is to contribute to the digital transformation of companies from southwestern Europe and to improve their competitiveness through the use of Blockchain technology in organisations' development of Industry 4.0 by means of the provision of information, counselling and interaction services between developers and users.