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Good Housekeeping


Proof of concept

With this project we intend to add value to Storywine’s innovative platform (which combines monitoring of wine production with storytelling as a powerful marketing tool) by developing a tool that allows the digital process of wine certification, registering the steps of the traditional process into a blockchain, therefore making it traceable, decentralized and reliable for the customers of the end-user SME (wine producer).

The solution promotes a trustworthy relationship between producers and consumers, by monitoring the whole wine supply chain, from the origin of the grapes to the wine bottling process. 

Funded by the European project Blockchers (H2020)

Sectors agriculture
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Scope and objectives Case from Aveiro Portuguese company applied to one important sector in Portugal (Wine Industry)

Good practice criteria

Main partner
Sanjotec, Rua de Fundões 151, 3700–121 São João da Madeira
BLOCK4COOP partner

About Block4coop
Driving and implementing BLOCK CHAIN technology in the development of Industry 4.0

The main objective is to contribute to the digital transformation of companies from southwestern Europe and to improve their competitiveness through the use of Blockchain technology in organisations' development of Industry 4.0 by means of the provision of information, counselling and interaction services between developers and users.